Verbatel for more than 30 years has worked alongside police organizations contributing to the advancement of technological efficiency in the public sector
Focusing on Law Enforcement Verbatel has become one of the main players in the sector, digitalizing workflow procedures of Local and Central Police Forces and Municipalities.
Leveraging our 30-plus years of experience we created a complete, single platform to digitalize all, internal and external, procedures.
The evolution towards web based solutions that enables gathering, processing and consultation of information, the digitalization of all paperworks and bureaucratic procedures, design new services focused to improve security for citizens is the challenge accepted by Verbatel years ago.
All of our products are developed using the latest, stable, technologies and techniques, integrating them with GIS systems, mobile applications, comms vectors (DMR, Tetra, Bluetooth, Wi-fi, UMTS, GSM, 4G, 5G and GPS), digital ID login, Payment Systems, Digital Certified Signatures and external national databases.
We Architect, Develop and Distribute Software solution for Police Forces
We develop high-standard, stable and flexible solutions.
We historically invest heavely on our R&D deparment, ensuring continuous improvement.
Verbatel adopted UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 27001:2013 (Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection for developing, mantaining and hosting SaaS solutions followind the guidelines ISO/IEC 27017:2015 e ISO/IEC 27018:2019 for public organizations) as standards for our product development process.
In 2019 Verbatel Intr@PM has been certified by AgID (Agency for Digital Italy).
Since 2023, Intr@PM is also certified by qualificata ACN (Italian National Cybersecurity Agency).
Flexible workflows
Every module of our suite can be adopted standalone, or as part of a complete platform suite with a single, standardized, database enabling exchange of data between departments with clear advandages in data analysis, performance review and even practical operative predictions enabled by our latest A.I. powered module.
The module "Geo Risk Analysis" enables the top management of any police organization to compile report and plan ahead for a better deployment of resources and personnel.
Intr@PM by Verbatel is a platform architected and developed to help Police Forces streamline bureaucratic processes leveraging the latest technologies.
Most police forces strive to comply with the ever increasing demand from citizens of beeing reassured from threats and urban decay by personnel presence on the streets.
Optimizing and reducing bureaucratic tasks necessary in the office and providing mobile solutions Intr@PM enables Police Organizations to deploy more external personnel

Since 2020 our Platform is integrated with App Io , the official national application of the Italian Governament to convey comunications to every citizen.

Since 2020 our document release portals are integrated with PagoPA, the Italian electronic payments system whit Public Insitutions.

Since 2019 Verbatel has become digital-ID provider by integrating SPID.
Citizens can log in our document release portals with their digital national ID, granting immediate access and identification secuirty.

All of our modules enable police personnel to digitally sign all type of documents, fully compliant with eIDAS, EU regolation that oversees electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Union.

Our platform is designed with data streamlining and analysis a priority
In 1992 Verbatel has joined ISTAT, the Italian National Institute of Statistics to design the first national statistic program for road accidents.

Police Forces since 2018 are able to retrieve automatically in just a few seconds from their mobile devices trough our applications the all the data related to vehicles and drivers during traffic stops or road accidents.

112 - EU Emergency number
Our controll rooms and software are integrated with the European Emergency Number and controll rooms.
Police forces are able to receive and send tasks with regional and national emergency controll rooms.